If You are in Doubt Ask Allah
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Empowering the Ambassadors of the Ahulbayt
Let Us Help You Be Your Own Inspiration
Club 313 comprises a team of volunteers dedicated to youth empowerment, in preparation for the Imam of our time (ajft). We work closely with a board of advisors composed of scholars and professionals, who are responsible for making sure our content is completely in line with the teachings of the Ahlulbayt as. Club 313 runs on a completely non-profit basis. Our passion is to help the youth thrive and excel their potential so they can be proud ambassadors of the Ahlulbayt as and we also want to make it easy for the parents along the way so there is an element of learning for our parents too in order to support their children.
Updates on our upcoming courses along with the topics offered.
Looking to Donate? Club 313 will make sure your funds are utilized to benefit the sehme and help those less fortunate then others.
Club 313 is always looking to welcome more additions to our ever-growing club, for a minimal fee. Register now and welcome on board Club 313!
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